Why Are We Applying PRP to Hair Transplantation Patients?

While searching for hair transplantation on the internet, you probably realized that ‘hair transplantation’ and ‘PRP’ or ‘platelet-rich plasma’ words are always coming along. Well then what is this PRP? What is it used for? Why is it needed after hair transplantation operation?

As you know, hair transplantation is performed as one long session. In one session, hair on back of the head is collected and transplanted on necessary areas. We wait for the transplanted follicles to grow in their new location in the first 3-6 months. But not all the transplanted follicles can stay in their places.

Researches in order to prevent this loss in transplantation area have directed us doctors to healing increasing material PRP. It is already in use for sports medical, orthopedic treatments, and dental treatments; and it is also used in hair surgeries in order to increase tissue healing.

What is platelet?

Platelet is in blood structure just like red and white blood cells. Platelets are also called as thrombocyte. The main mission of platelets is coagulation of blood. When a tissue is damaged, platelets accumulate in the area and coagulate the blood through releasing several materials. Therefore, accumulated platelets and chemically created fibrins stops bleeding.

Platelets are also responsible working as storage for many damage controlling replenishing growth factors. These factors increase; blood and vascular growth, improving bone structure, generating collagen structure, cell growth and development.

Then why PRP is in use for hair transplantation operations?

PRP is plasma liquid including more platelets than our blood. PRP is produced from your own blood and platelets. Since it is generated from body’s own structure, it does not cause any allergic reactions. It also increases healing after hair transplantation through all the factors mentioned above. That is why we suggest our patients to apply PRP after hair transplantation operations in order to increase healing process.

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